Bob’s Travel Tips ~ Choosing a Traveling Companion

Choosing a Traveling Companion

Look for someone who…

  •  Has the same values and wants to experience new things.
  •  Is even-tempered (not neurotic or “Chatty Cathy!”). Someone who cares about others.
  •  Has similar, though not identical, interests: Museums vs. Adventure.
  •  Is flexible: one who doesn’t get upset when something is different from expected. Remember! You left home to discover different places and things, so don’t let anything get under your skin!

Where do you find a traveling companion?

  1. Church
  2. Neighbor
  3. Friend
  4. Relative ~ one you get along with 🙂
  5. Ask those close to you for a recommendation.
  6. Ask BNT if other single travelers are looking for a traveling companion.

*Talk on the phone first to get to know each other. If you like the dynamics, travel together for a One Day Tour to see if you two are a good fit for a longer trip.

We’ll take you there!

~ Bob Neff